The Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 22nd May 2023, starting at 8.00pm. The venue will be the Woodman Public House, North Walsham Road, Norwich, NR6 7QA. I will be nice to see you there.
Presentation by Dave Horton

The club meeting on Monday 5th December 2022 will be hosting a presentation by David Horton. Dave is a well established piker with numerous big fish to his name and always an entertaining speaker.
Please reserve this date in your diaries, the cost is £5.00 (£4.00 for NDPC and/or PAC members) payable on the door.
Please ensure you bring your NDPC or PAC membership card to qualify for the reduced price.
Coaching event for young people
Our first coaching day for young people this season will take place on Sunday 23rd October at Whitlingham Country Park. This event will focus on lure fishing skills, if you know of any youngsters (aged 7 to 16) who may be interested in taking part please contact John Currie on 07776 221959 ASAP to reserve a place.
Previous restrictions on use of club boats for Pike fishing now lifted
From Monday 19th September the previous restrictions on Pike fishing from club boats will be lifted as water temperatures are now dropping. Please ensure that fish are treated sensitively and returned to the water as soon as possible after landing.
Suspension of pike fishing while using club facilities
The water temperature throughout the Broads system has increased dramatically over the last week or so. It is now at a level which has been proven to cause potential harm to pike if they are caught. Therefore the NDPC committee has taken the decision to suspend the use of club facilities specifically for Pike fishing for the time being. Members can still use the boats in pursuit of other species, however Pike must not be targetted. This takes effect immediately, 23rd June 2022. We will keep the situation under review and inform you when this ban is lifted.
This decision has been taken to help preserve the stocks of Pike on the Broads system. We appreciate your cooperation during this time.
Annual General Meeting 2022
The 2022 Annual General Meeting will take place on Monday 9th May 2022 at 8.00pm. As usual the venue will be the Woodman Pub, North Walsham Road, Norwich, NR6 7QA. Please note there will be NO Club meeting on Monday 2nd May as this is a Bank Holiday.
Trinity Broads ‘Fish In’
We will be holding a ‘Fish In’ on the Filby/Ormesby system on Sunday 13th March 2022. This is to replace the event cancelled due to the storms previously. The cost will be £20 per angler and includes a meal at Filby Bridge Restaurant. If you wish to take part please contact Phil Cotton on the usual number. Places are limited. Please note this is a Members only event.
Trinity Broads ‘Fish In’ POSTPONED
Due to the weather forecast for very high winds this weekend (20th February), we have reluctantly decided to postpone the planned Fish In scheduled for the Ormesby/Filby complex. The event will hopefully be rearranged for a future date.
We are sorry about this but the expected weather presents an unacceptable risk to our members.
Talk by Stephen Harper
We have arranged in conjunction with PAC Region 33 (Norwich) for a talk to be given by the well known local angler and author of angling books, Stephen Harper. This will take place on Monday 7th February 2022, starting at 8.00pm. As usual the venue will be the Woodman Public House, North Walsham, Road, Norwich, NR6 7QA. Entry will be £5.00 for members of the club or the PAC. Non members are welcome and the entry fee will be £6.00.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Trinity Broads ‘Fish In’
We have organised a ‘Fish In’ on the Trinity Broads system on Sunday 12th December 2021. This is for members only. The cost is £20.00 per person which includes a meal after the event. If you wish to take part, please contact Phil Cotton using the usual number. Limited spaces available.